Monday Club

Church Hall Harpers Lane, Chorley, Lancashire, United Kingdom

Monday Club - Jan - June 2025 PDF Monday Club meets in the church meeting room (church hall) every Monday at 2pm - 4pm. It is a friendship group aimed at people aged 65 and over. It is run by Eric Crompton. Each week there is something different from bingo to visiting vocalists and trips […]

New Electoral Role

St Peters Church Harpers Lane

Form_1_Application_for_enrolment_church_electoral_roll (4) ELECTORAL ROLL This year we will be preparing a new Electoral Roll, which happens every six years. This means that everyone who would like to be on the Electoral Roll for St Peter’s Church must apply before Friday 28th March, whether you have applied to be on the Electoral Roll before or not. Electoral […]

Lent Home Group

St Peter's Vicarge Harpers Lane, Chorley, United Kingdom

From 10th March, there will be an opportunity to join a Home Group in the Parishes of St Peter and St Laurence, studying Bishop Philip’s Lent Course, “Hear Our Prayer”, as part of the Year of Prayer. Gather with us:   Wednesdays at 7pm, St Peter’s Vicarage Please sign the sheet at the back of the […]

Morning Prayer and Breakfast

St Peters Church Harpers Lane

From 13th March, we will have Morning Prayer on Thursdays from 9.30am to 10.00 a.m., followed by a light breakfast in the church during the Lent.  

Lent Home Group

St Peter's Vicarge Harpers Lane, Chorley, United Kingdom

From 10th March, there will be an opportunity to join a Home Group in the Parishes of St Peter and St Laurence, studying Bishop Philip’s Lent Course, “Hear Our Prayer”, as part of the Year of Prayer. Gather with us:   Wednesdays at 7pm, St Peter’s Vicarage Please sign the sheet at the back of the […]

Morning Prayer & Breakfast

St Peters Church Harpers Lane

During Lent, From 13th March, we will have Morning Prayer on Thursdays from 9.30am to 10.00 a.m., followed by a light breakfast in the church. Please sign up on the sheet at the back of church for catering purposes. (After 9th February).

Lent Home Group

St Peter's Vicarge Harpers Lane, Chorley, United Kingdom

From 10th March, there will be an opportunity to join a Home Group in the Parishes of St Peter and St Laurence, studying Bishop Philip’s Lent Course, “Hear Our Prayer”, as part of the Year of Prayer. Gather with us:   Wednesdays at 7pm, St Peter’s Vicarage Please sign the sheet at the back of the […]

Morning Prayer & Breakfast

St Peters Church Harpers Lane

During Lent, From 13th March, we will have Morning Prayer on Thursdays from 9.30am to 10.00 a.m., followed by a light breakfast in the church. Please sign up on the sheet at the back of church for catering purposes. (After 9th February).

Morning Prayer & Breakfast

St Peters Church Harpers Lane

During Lent, From 13th March, we will have Morning Prayer on Thursdays from 9.30am to 10.00 a.m., followed by a light breakfast in the church. Please sign up on the sheet at the back of church for catering purposes. (After 9th February).

Morning Prayer & Breakfast

St Peters Church Harpers Lane

During Lent, From 13th March, we will have Morning Prayer on Thursdays from 9.30am to 10.00 a.m., followed by a light breakfast in the church. Please sign up on the sheet at the back of church for catering purposes. (After 9th February).

Morning Prayer & Breakfast

St Peters Church Harpers Lane

During Lent, From 13th March, we will have Morning Prayer on Thursdays from 9.30am to 10.00 a.m., followed by a light breakfast in the church. Please sign up on the sheet at the back of church for catering purposes. (After 9th February).